Dienstag, 8. Januar 2013

Fun facts in the US - New windows, finally (12/08/12)

Today I finally got my new windows built in. I was quite happy in the beginning but after the handyman left and I saw their so called “cleaning” I was quite pissed. My sheets where covered with saw dust and dirt, so was the carpet and all the areas not directly under the windows but in the closer environment. Without a vacuum, cleaning up that mess was kind of impossible. 

However, the windows looked quite ok in the first place. But having a closer view at the work I discovered many little things that I would have complained about. Have a close look at the pic. The new frame is stapled into the wall without hiding the nails, the silicon is not smooth and even if the new ones are double glassed windows they are still not closing tight because of the moveable elements without any sealing. Seems like I should finally give up on finding some high quality construction and engineering work on normal buildings in the US.

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