Dienstag, 8. Januar 2013

Fun facts in the US - Aldi-Shopping (10/27/12)

This is how buying one bottle of spring water could turn out into a 45 minutes experience:
Entering a grocery store should be something quite usual for all people in the western world. But doing so at an Aldi with Jan, Jann and Jan’s mum this could turn out into one of the funniest events of a whole trip to Chicago. Discovering that a lot of things are exactly the same like in Germany including the signs, tiles and some products seemed to be quite unusual for Reinhild and Jann.
When my teacher talked about Aldi she said “They charge you for everything!” and meant the Quarter you have to put into the car. Obviously americans can not quite understand the principle of how to make real cheap prices and so Aldi has to use the different “Aldi Truths” to explain everything to customers.

Finally, we reached the check out and after making one last picture we were able to move on to Chicago. 

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